The pocket philosophy of Anker

Religion and science

Pocket philosophy - well maybe - but it is my best offer! Every religion (and every economical theory) is pure rubbish!
That doesn't mean that the idea of most religions - to treat each other with care - is rubbish!
As Tom Lehrer said in his introduction to "National brotherhood-week": "I know there are some people in this world, who do not love their fellow human beeings. - And I hate people beeing like that!"

There might be a hereafter - How could we possibly know - why care! We will find out soon enough! We are put here on Earth by "Great Random" and as the other animals; we know we are selfreproducing DNA - Thats all we know folks!

Let's be scientific for a moment and say why we never will be able to explain the world. The reason for this is given by the matematician Kurt Gödel. and in short it can be expressed as "A system can never be explained inside itself."
To do so would demand more memory than the system contains, and when you add new memory, the system gets bigger and will consequently need more memory to explain itself e.t.c.

That doesn't mean that we should stop asking questions! We find out more and more about our world - and new questions appear every time one is answered!

What I mean is - Why waste your time on futile thoughts about religion, when so many other problems are waiting to get solved?

Update 02-05-2001