Astronomy is fascinating - donīt you agree?

Here you see a gravitational lens in the universe, taken with the Hubble Space teleskope. The blue Galixies around the clusters in the middle of the picture, is actually the same galxy, but the light has been bend by the heavy clusters!
If you can explain that -- in a way, so I actually understand what that means you are a clever person, and a good teacher!
The other picture is the Eagle Nebula (M16) - in that picture red indicates Sulpur, green Hydrogen and blue Oxygen
You can find the more detailed version of the pictures, explanations and a lot more information and links related astronomy/cosmology by clicking NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories

Are we alone?

Another teasing subject!
Do you think that we (the earthlings) are alone in our beautiful universe?

Have you read "Contact" by Carl Sagan, or seen the movie? - Here is another place you can go in your search for Aliens! Seti homepage See also how you can help at:
You are welcome to join our SETI-club, SETI@home Denmark. We search for terran intelligence as well as ET's - a very hard task!
Will we find signs of intelligent life in TV-programs within the next 25 years?

Other interesting sites:
Chandra X-ray observations
ESO Press Releases, Photos and Video Clips
Mars Surveyor 98 Home Page
Planetary Science Institute home page
The Terrestrial Planet Finder
Photos from Hubble
More astonomy! Back to my home in the Web universe!

update: 02.05.2001